Monday, December 19, 2016

Mustang Tiji Festival Trekking Tour 2017

Mustang Tiji Festival Trekking Tour 2017
Mustang Tiji Festival Dance

Nepal is not only popular for high Himalayas but also for the unique cultural and religious activities that you love to see. There are more than 100 ethnic community with the distinct culture, language, activities and festivals which looks like the different flower in a garden. The amazing fact is that Nepal celebrates the festivals daily and you will have opportunity to enjoy it while you are in Nepal. So, if you are planning for Nepal Holidays 2017, don't miss to go Upper Mustang where there will be great Tiji festival celebrated by Tibetan Buddhist people in Lo-Manthang. This festival is the main attraction of Spring 2017 trekking tour to Mustang where you will be exploring the ancient history and culture that amuse you.

My Everest Trip is organizing this trekking tour every year and this year also, we have special trekking itinerary. Tiji festival is celebrated as the memory of victory of good ever evil. Tiji festival is a celebration and reaffirmation of Tiji myth through the medium of mask dance and performance of different scene related to the myth. Tiji myth describes the story of a deity named Dorje Juno and his evil father. Dorje Juno had to battle against his father to save the kingdom of Mustang from destruction. His evil father- Ma Tam Ruta- tried to cause disaster in this barren land. Dorje Juno fought with his demon father and chased him away to establish peace and prosperity in the kingdom of Upper Mustang.  The festival is celebrated in the memory of same event and nowadays also to restore peace in the world. Tiji festival is three days long ritual known as “chasing of the demons”. During the festival all people gather at Lo Manthang from all over Mustang. Normally Tiji festival falls in the month of May and this year the festival is celebrated on 22nd, 23rd and 24th May 2017 at Chhyode Gumba which is monastery of sakyapa sects located in Lo Manthang, Upper Mustang. The word “Tiji” comes from “ten che” meaning the hope of Buddha Dharma prevailing in all the world and abbreviated form of “Tempa Chhirim” which means prayer for the world peace. During the celebration of the Tiji festival the monks perform the mask dance called “TSA CHHAM” in the first day and “NGA CHHAM” in the second day. The third day celebration of Tiji Festival known as “RHA CHHAM” where the monk in the role of Dorje Sonam throws effigy and Tsampa which represents demon – Ma Tam Ruta. It is believed that the villagers would be purified of the evil spirits at this time.

With our 18 days Tiji Festival Trekking Tour 2017 package, you will be exploring unique culture and festival of Tibetans in upper Mustang. We organize 4WD jeep tour to Upper Mustang during the festival time. If you are interested, feel free to contact us or get expertise advice for the Trekking Tour.

Day to Day Itinerary

14 May: Arrive at Tribhuvan International airport (1345Meters). Overnight at Hotel. (A)

15 May: Pre-trip Meeting and Sightseeing around Kathmandu valley. Overnight at Hotel. (A,B)

16 May: Drive to Pokhara (820 Meters) about 6 hours. Overnight at Hotel. (A,B)

17 May: Fly to Jomsom (2720 Meters) and trek to Kagbeni (2810 Meters). About 3 hours. Overnight at Guesthouse. (A,B,L,D).

18 May: Trek to Tsele (3050 Meters). About 6 hours. Overnight at Guesthouse. (A,B,L,D).

19 May: Trek to Shyangbochen (3820 Meters). About 7 hours. Overnight at Guesthouse. (A,B,L,D).

20 May: Trek to Tsarang (3540 Meters). About 6 hours. Overnight at Guesthouse. (A,B,L,D)

21 May: Trek to Lo-Mangthang (3710 Meters). About 6 hours. Overnight at Guesthouse. (A,B,L,D).

22 May: First day of Tiji Festival observation at Lomanthang. Overnight at Guesthouse. (A,B,L,D).

23 May: Second day of Tiji Festival observation at Lomanthang. Overnight at Guesthouse. (A,B,L,D)

24 May: Final day of Tiji Festival observation at Lomanthang. Overnight at Guesthouse. (A,B,L,D).

25 May: Trek back to Dhakmar (3820 Meters) via Ghar Gompa (Loghekar Monastery) (3800 Meters). About 8 hours. Overnight at Guesthouse. (A,B,L,D).

26 May: Trek back to Samar (3550 Meters). About 7 hours. Overnight at Guesthouse. (A,B,L,D).

27 May: Trek back to Kagbeni (2810 Meters). About 7 hours. Overnight at Guesthouse. (A,B,L,D).

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